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 France and Europe: Time to end complacency on climate leadership

Yamina SAHEB

As France changes environment minister, we must collectively admit that a very poor job has been done with Europe’s Clean Energy Package, writes Yamina Saheb.

Emmanuel Macron was elected on the promise of “Un Nouveau Monde” in France and within the EU. Many of us hoped that the “Progressive” French president would take the lead to “#makeourplanetgreatagain”.

 Clean Energy for All Europeans Package: Does the Commission Modelling Assign the Right Role to Energy Efficiency and to Renewables?


The Clean Energy for all Europeans package is the first opportunity for Europe to align its domestic energy and climate targets with the ratified Paris Climate Agreement and the ratified Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the Commission’s modelling methodology and results do not reflect well the ratified international agreements and significantly overestimate the cost of energy transition.

Event Date: 
19/10/2017 - 11:00 to 12:15
Event Type: 

Webinar platform of the Copenhagen Centre for Energy Efficiency 

 Les politiques d’efficacité énergétique de l’Union Européenne

Alors que la Commission européenne a présenté fin 2016 une série de propositions pour mettre en œuvre l’objectif qu’elle s’est fixé dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat et moderniser l’économie européenne, encore largement dépendante des importations d’énergie, Global Chance et le CLER – Réseau pour la transition énergétique organisent le 27 juin 2017 un atelier/conférence de presse sur le thème crucial des politiques d’efficacité énergétique de l’Union Européenne.

Event Date: 
27/06/2017 - 10:00 to 13:00
Event Type: 

 Réinventer le collectif en devenant un crapaud fou

Le concept de "crapaud fou" est né de l’analyse du voyage que font les crapauds pour se reproduire. Chaque année, de manière grégaire, tous les crapauds se déplacent vers la zone de reproduction. Sauf que, quelques crapauds choisissent d’aller dans une direction opposée, ou trouvent des tunnels que les écologistes creusent pour eux sous les routes. Les crapauds qui suivent les voies conventionnelles se font, souvent, écraser par les automobilistes.

Event Date: 
17/06/2017 - 11:15 to 11:45
Event Type: 

 Crazy Toading

“Crazy toading” means doing things differently or in unexpected way. The concept is based on the analysis of the travel toads make, every year, to reproduce. Each year, in a gregarious manner, all toads move to the breeding area. However, few toads choose to go in an opposite direction, or use the tunnels environmentalists dig for them under the roads. Toads that follow conventional tracks are often crushed by cars. While those who venture in unconventional directions, survive, reach the breeding area and save the species.

Event Date: 
03/04/2017 - 18:00 to 07/04/2017 - 22:45
Event Type: 

 Energie en Afrique(s) : Phénomène de Mode ou Grand Enjeu du 21ème siècle ?

Depuis quelques années, le défi énergétique en Afrique semble susciter de nombreuses vocations. Du chanteur-entrepreneur Akon à l’ancien ministre français Jean-Louis Borloo, beaucoup ont tenté de proposer des solutions pour résoudre ce problème structurel du continent, avec plus ou moins de succès.

Event Date: 
16/03/2017 - 19:15 to 21:15
Event Type: 

Sciences Po (Paris)

 Getting our homes future ready: Essential skills and innovative solutions for a fair energy transition in public, cooperative and social housing

The event is an initiative of Housing Europe as part of the PROF TRAC project which targets technical experts, architects and managers involved in nZEB design and construction.

Event Date: 
08/03/2017 - 09:30 to 17:00
Event Type: 

House of Dutch Provinces (Brussels)

 Renovate Italy Day

L’efficienza energetica applicata agli edifici consente di consumare meno energia per soddisfare i bisogni legati all’abitare; inoltre, molto spesso, gli interventi di efficienza energetica migliorano sensibilmente il comfort.

Event Date: 
14/11/2016 - 09:30 to 13:00
Event Type: 

Palazzo Marino del Comune di Milano

 Is Appliance-Gate on the horizon?

Yamina SAHEB

Ahead of the annual review of Ecodesign and Labelling measures by the college of Commissioners, the executive was asked by political leaders and NGOs to unfreeze the Ecodesign and Labelling process, stalled for over a year, and to expand the scope of regulated products.

 Energy Efficiency Drives Jobs: A European Perspective

Building Energy Exchange organised a workshop to present on the main findings of the report Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock: Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe.

US stakeholders were interested to hear from a leading figure in European energy policy on the potential for energy efficiency projects to boost the global economy.

The video presentation:

Event Date: 
20/10/2016 - 13:30 to 14:30
Event Type: 

Building Energy Exchange (New York City)
