The 1st industrial revolution was fuelled with coal, the 2nd with mainly oil, gas and to some extent nuclear energy while the 3rd one experienced a shy introduction of renewables in the energy mix. The 4th industrial revolution might well be fuelled first with energy savings if countries from all over the world implement the Paris Climate Agreement.
L’efficienza energetica applicata agli edifici consente di consumare meno energia per soddisfare i bisogni legati all’abitare; inoltre, molto spesso, gli interventi di efficienza energetica migliorano sensibilmente il comfort.
Palazzo Marino del Comune di Milano
Ahead of the annual review of Ecodesign and Labelling measures by the college of Commissioners, the executive was asked by political leaders and NGOs to unfreeze the Ecodesign and Labelling process, stalled for over a year, and to expand the scope of regulated products.
Building Energy Exchange organised a workshop to present on the main findings of the report Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock: Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe.
US stakeholders were interested to hear from a leading figure in European energy policy on the potential for energy efficiency projects to boost the global economy.
The video presentation:
Building Energy Exchange (New York City)
L’atelier de consultation nationale a porté sur la relation entre le projet de traité transatlantique TTIP (ou encore PTCI/TAFTA) et la protection de l’environnement.
L’atelier fait partie du projet de recherche commissionné par la Commission européenne, DG Environnement, qui vise à initier un débat public sur la protection environnementale, y compris la dimension énergie/climat, dans le contexte du Partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d’investissement (TTIP).
Représentation de la Commission européenne en France (Paris)
The Royal Institute for International Relations and the Development Group co-organised the 2nd Symposium of the 2016 series of events dedicated to the European Energy Transition. A variegated audience attended the event, coming from the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Les copropriétés représentent un gisement conséquent de logements à rénover avec comme principale difficulté la complexité des processus décisionnelles en raison notamment du mode de gouvernance.
Un large éventail d’acteurs est impliqué. Des synergies se développent pour favoriser des approches globales au sein de ce marché en pleine évolution.
Les enjeux pointés sont réglementaires, techniques, financiers sans oublier les aspects liés à la communication. Plusieurs méthodes et outils (y compris numériques) se déploient pour favoriser le passage à l’acte.
It was impossible to imagine a year ago. It’s hard to believe today, but the world might well move on the post-Paris Climate Agreement without Europe!
For once, the European Commission cannot be blamed for this “ridiculous” situation as President Juncker described the slow ratification by the EU of the climate deal. It could even be the opposite: we may well have to applaud the European Commission if its proposed fast-track ratification succeeds in giving EU leaders a seat at the table of the post-Paris climate decisions.
In April, countries around the world signed the historic Paris Agreement reached at COP 21. Europe must now raise its ambition, and one of the greatest environmental and societal challenges we collectively face is the renovation of Europe’s buildings.