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 Financing energy renovation: we need to re-think our approach

Yamina SAHEB

My initial research question, for the International Refurbishment Symposium, was about an ex-ante evaluation of the impacts on the renovation market of the European Commission's proposed Smart Finance for Smart Buildings (SFSB) initiative. To illustrate my theoretical evaluation; I decided to assess how the SFSB would impact the French energy renovation market.

 Smart Finance for Smart Buildings:

Event Date: 
21/09/2017 - 15:00 to 16:15
Event Type: 

BuildUP webinar platform

 International Refurbishment Symposium: Productivity, Resilience, Sustainability

The Symposium is a one day event, co-located with the AECB's National Conference at Eco Connect London. This high brow symposium is focussed on productivity, resilience and sustainability in the domestic refurbishment sector. It is about re-thinking assumptions and systems in a time of change.

Event Date: 
15/09/2017 - 10:00 to 18:00
Event Type: 

 Eliminating Energy Poverty Across Europe: Monitoring Progress for an Inclusive Energy Union

Energy poverty, described as the inability to afford an adequate heating regime in the household, is increasingly acknowledged as a pressing issue across Europe. The European Commission states that over 54 million people, or 11% of the European population, currently suffer from the consequences of energy poverty, the causes of which are multiple. Despite falling wholesale prices for gas and electricity, consumer costs have gradually increased. When combined with poor energy efficiency in many buildings and a squeeze in living standards, Europe’s citizenry has been left in the dark.

Event Date: 
05/09/2017 - 10:00 to 16:30
Event Type: 

 Les politiques d’efficacité énergétique de l’Union Européenne

Alors que la Commission européenne a présenté fin 2016 une série de propositions pour mettre en œuvre l’objectif qu’elle s’est fixé dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat et moderniser l’économie européenne, encore largement dépendante des importations d’énergie, Global Chance et le CLER – Réseau pour la transition énergétique organisent le 27 juin 2017 un atelier/conférence de presse sur le thème crucial des politiques d’efficacité énergétique de l’Union Européenne.

Event Date: 
27/06/2017 - 10:00 to 13:00
Event Type: 

 Will EU ministers heed Macron's call to #Makeourplanetgreatagain?

Yamina SAHEB

Europe's proposed 30% energy savings objective means less savings in the period 2020-2030 than in 2010-2020 and are in direct contradiction with the spirit of the Paris Agreement

The flagship energy proposal by the European Commission, the “Clean Energy Package for All Europeans”, to be discussed at the upcoming Energy Council meeting, calls for a 30% binding energy savings target.

 Réinventer le collectif en devenant un crapaud fou

Le concept de "crapaud fou" est né de l’analyse du voyage que font les crapauds pour se reproduire. Chaque année, de manière grégaire, tous les crapauds se déplacent vers la zone de reproduction. Sauf que, quelques crapauds choisissent d’aller dans une direction opposée, ou trouvent des tunnels que les écologistes creusent pour eux sous les routes. Les crapauds qui suivent les voies conventionnelles se font, souvent, écraser par les automobilistes.

Event Date: 
17/06/2017 - 11:15 to 11:45
Event Type: 

 The evidence behind a 40% energy efficiency target

Yamina SAHEB

The myth about the negative impact of high-efficiency ambition on the competitiveness of EU member states is dismantled by the European Commission's modelling results.  

The Commission's November 2016 clean energy package is going through a gruelling approval process where practically every comma is being challenged. Yet, this approval process is ignoring (or unaware of) some important evidence.

 Why “Smart Finance for Smart Buildings” won’t be enough to renovate Europe

Yamina SAHEB

The Clean Energy for All Europeans package projects buildings to play a pivotal role in the EU energy transition. The Commission sees the non-legislative initiative “Smart Finance for Smart Buildings (SFSB) as a major driver in the transformation of the emerging energy renovation market from a market of shallow renovation financed by grants towards a self-sustained market delivering zero energy buildings.

Could this be a wishful thinking?

 Clean Energy for All Europeans Package - Do the Commission’s Impact Assessments Assign the Right Role to Energy Efficiency?

Publication type: 
