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Paris Climate Agreement
A presentation by Dr. Yamina Saheb will highlight the main findings of the report and provide the audience timely analysis of the ECT modernization process before the first negotiation round planned in April 2020.
The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion and an interactive question and answer session with the audience
The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a multilateral investment protection agreement which protects investments in the energy supply.
For the first time, since the entry into force of the ECT in 1998, the geopolitical, climate and financial impacts are assessed.
The analyses show that:
The “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package confirms the pivotal role of the EU building stock in meeting EU 2030 climate and energy targets. In fact, the projected decarbonisation of the EU energy system is mainly based on the renovation of existing buildings and the increased penetration of renewable energies in heating, cooling and power generation.
The 1st industrial revolution was fuelled with coal, the 2nd with mainly oil, gas and to some extent nuclear energy while the 3rd one experienced a shy introduction of renewables in the energy mix.
It was impossible to imagine a year ago. It’s hard to believe today, but the world might well move on the post-Paris Climate Agreement without Europe!
In April, countries around the world signed the historic Paris Agreement reached at COP 21. Europe must now raise its ambition, and one of the greatest environmental and societal challenges we collectively face is the renovation of Europe’s buildings.
Delivering the ambitious climate change targets of the Paris Agreement can only be achieved through the effective combination of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Together, they offer the best opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively move towards a decarbonised energy system. It is important that both are delivered through integrated policies and measures in a holistic manner.
Contribution to panel discussion on Target setting for energy use and efficiency up to 2050
Moderator: Robert Harmsen, Utrecht University
I used to think that Western democracies protect their citizens from “la pensée unique” (a narrow and single way of thinking). My concerns relate to the “consensus” in the “energy efficiency community” about how the “Better Regulation Package” would impact negatively existing EU climate and energy policies.
In the traditional vision of the primary energy mix, the EU will be fuelled by 2030 first by oil and fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) will meet 60% of the EU energy demand (based on PRIMES 2013 modelling results)