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Energy Union

Energy Efficiency Drives Jobs: A European Perspective

Building Energy Exchange organised a workshop to present on the main findings of the report Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock: Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe.

US stakeholders were interested to hear from a leading figure in European energy policy on the potential for energy efficiency projects to boost the global economy.

The video presentation:

Integrating Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Least-cost solutions for a clean energy future

Delivering the ambitious climate change targets of the Paris Agreement can only be achieved through the effective combination of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Together, they offer the best opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively move towards a decarbonised energy system. It is important that both are delivered through integrated policies and measures in a holistic manner.

Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock - Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe

Executive summary in national languages

The report estimates the EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900 jobs. It shows that the size of the EU energy renovation market could increase by almost half the current energy renovation market if a 40% energy savings target is adopted for 2030. This would lead to more than one million additional jobs.
