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The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a multilateral investment protection agreement which protects investments in the energy supply.
For the first time, since the entry into force of the ECT in 1998, the geopolitical, climate and financial impacts are assessed.
The analyses show that:
The 2018 EPBD recast aims at transforming Europe’s buildings into highly energy efficient and decarbonised building stock by 2050 by facilitating the cost-effective transformation of existing buildings into nearly-zero energy buildings. The EPBD recast, if effectively implemented, will create an nZEB renovation market of at least 250 million dwellings and 7 billion m² of non-residential buildings, over the period 2018-2050.
The “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package confirms the pivotal role of the EU building stock in meeting EU 2030 climate and energy targets. In fact, the projected decarbonisation of the EU energy system is mainly based on the renovation of existing buildings and the increased penetration of renewable energies in heating, cooling and power generation.
Executive summary in national languages
The report estimates the EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900 jobs. It shows that the size of the EU energy renovation market could increase by almost half the current energy renovation market if a 40% energy savings target is adopted for 2030. This would lead to more than one million additional jobs.