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Energy Savings: First Fuel of the World by 2040

  • Posted on: 11 May 2016
  • By: Yamina SAHEB

In the traditional vision of the primary energy mix, the world will be fuelled by 2040 first by oil and fossil fuels will meet 60% of the global primary energy demand even if policies and measures to keep global warming below the 2 degrees are effectively implemented (data used are those of the IEA WEO 2015(link is external) modelling results)

In the traditional vision of the primary energy mix, oil will remain the first fuel of the world by 2040

But when considering energy savings (energy efficiency + energy sufficiency) as an energy source on it own, the picture is lightly different.

The world will be fuelled, by 2040, first by the additional energy savings due to the implementation of policies aiming to keep global warming at 2 degrees. This in turn will make fossil fuels meeting only 47% of the global energy demand (data used are those of the IEA WEO 2015(link is external) modelling results)

When considering energy savings as an energy source on its own, by 2040 energy savings will be the first fuel of the world

See also: Energy Savings: First Fuel of Europe by 2030